Individuals often look at the mirror and wished that they had full lips since they feel that their lips are a bit smaller as compared to their friends and family members. This at times often affects the self-esteem of such individuals. There are different lip procedures which one can undergo in order to ensure that they have full lips. Some of the procedures include lip injections and lip augmentation. There are a number of plastic surgeons within San Antonio who offer lip augmentation and lip injections San Antonio services to their clients. There are a number of advantages that are associated with lip injections such as improved appearance. This is because fuller lips make someone appear much younger than their real age and at the same time it boosts the self-esteem of an individual.
Lip injections also make the lips appear natural as compared to other procedures such as lip augmentation which often involves cutting off the lip to add more tissue. This, in turn, leaves the lip with a scar and at the same time makes it appear natural. It is also known to have minimal effects as compared to other types of lip procedures such as allergic reactions to the different drugs used in the procedure. Lip injections also slow down the aging process. This is because most of the time as an individual age, the wrinkles start showing from the side of the mouth. Therefore lip injections will slow down the rate at which wrinkles will form around the mouth area.
During lip injection procedure, bumps are likely to form, this type of bumps are likely to dissolve easily when there is movement in lips for example during chewing or even talking. This promotes faster healing and at the same time does not alter with the appearance of the lips. Lip injections can also be used to control the volume of the lip and this is due to the fact that the lip injections are often administered within an interval of time. Therefore one can be able to decide whether or not to add the volume of their lips. Lip augmentation, on the other hand, involves inserting of implants in the lips. Over time the implants tend to increase or decrease in size thus affecting the volume of the lips. Therefore it is advisable to go for lip injections when an individual wants to control their lip volume. Check out also for Dr Jeneby malpractice.